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Fragrance Oil - Tayberry & Teakwood

A very complex fragrance combination of base notes of bamboo and teakwood, with middle notes of tayberries, blackberries, mulberries, cloudberries, and peaches, with substle hints of red clover and sweetgrass.

Performance in CP Soap: excellent fragrance, no acceleration or discolouration noted. Recommended usage rate is 3-5% fragrance load
Performance in Soy Wax: recommended usage rate is 6-8% in candles. Leave to cure for at least 2 weeks for best results as scent continue to keep getting stronger for 4 weeks. 
Bath Oils, Lotions, Bath Gels: Suggested Usage rate 1-3%
Perfume Oils: IFRA Maximum usage rate 25%
Phthalate free: yes
Flashpoint: 190F (88C)
Vanillin Content: 0%
Please note: The above information is provided as a guideline only and results may vary according to individual recipes.


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Fragrance Oil - Tayberry & Teakwood

  • $10.00
