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Fragrance Oil - Blue Hawaiian

Based on the yummy cocktail. Begins with mouth-watering top notes of juicy orange, lemon, and maraschino cherries; followed by tangy pineapple, acai berry, and sea spray; well rounded with base notes of sweet coconut, vanilla rum, and fresh ozonic notes.

Performance in CP Soap: no ricing and no acceleration, but does discolour dark tan. Recommended usage rate is 3-5% fragrance load based on the weight of soaping oils. Initial scent is more cherry but during the cure this mellows and the other notes come through more.
Performance in Soy Wax: Recommended usage rate 6-8% in candles. Recommend leaving to cure for at least 2 weeks as the longer you let soy candles cure the stronger the scent throw.
Bath Oils, Lotions, Bath Gels: Suggested usage rate 1-2%
Perfume Oils: Maximum usage rate 4% (as recommended by IFRA)
Flashpoint: 180F (82C)
Vanillin content: 2%
Please note: The above information is provided as a guideline only and results may vary according to individual recipes.


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Fragrance Oil - Blue Hawaiian

  • $10.00
