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Fragrance Oil - Vanilla Pumpkin Marshmallow (type)

Interpretation of the Bath and Body Works scent. Luscious buttercream tops roasted pumpkin and spiced cinnamon. Sweet vanilla bean and marshmallow finish this yummy sensation with the perfect amount of sweetness.

Top notes – buttercream
Middle notes – roasted pumpkin, spiced cinnamon
Bottom notes – vanilla, creamed marshmallow

Performance in CP soap: discolurs dark brown due to vanilla content. Suggested usage rate is 3-5%, maximum usage rate is 5%.
Performance in Soy Wax: recommended usage rate 6-8% in candles. Great scent throw but as always I recommend leaving to cure for 14 days for maximum scent throw.
Perfume Oils: Maximum usage rate 5% (as recommended by IFRA)
Bath Oils, Lotions, Shower Gels: Suggested usage rate 1%
Vanillin: 6.25%
Flashpoint: 200F (93C)
Phthalate Free: Yes
Please note: The above information is provided as a guideline only and results may vary according to individual recipes.

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Fragrance Oil - Vanilla Pumpkin Marshmallow (type)

  • $10.00
